Positive Parenting: Substance Abuse and Today’s Youth

Vested Security Solutions, LLC offers this in-depth presentation on the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse in today’s youth.  This dramatic and telling awareness lecture, intended for parents, is a comprehensive examination of today’s popular drugs of choice, and the dangers that the youth of today face in social settings.  This program addresses the varying stages of drug and alcohol experimentation as they relate to immature, impressionable, and often precocious pre-teens and teenagers whose exposure to these illicit substances begins at a surprisingly young age.     

Substance abuse has long been the concern of educators and parents everywhere.  Nonetheless, today’s youth—and even some parents—have adopted a cavalier attitude toward the experimentation of illicit substances.  In fact, this pervasive acceptance of alcohol and drug experimentation proffers a mixed message to pre-teens and teenagers, confusing the issue and blurring the line of healthy choices versus harmful decisions.  Coupled with peer pressure and influences from pop culture, so many middle school and high school students have accepted substance abuse as commonplace scenery in their social lives. 

Accordingly, Vested Security has designed this valuable awareness lecture to discuss the ill effects of substance abuse in youth, the most contemporary abuse trends among juveniles, and helpful clues for parents to detect, as well as deter, what has undoubtedly become a ubiquitous harm in the lives of countless juveniles.       

Vested Security Solutions, a consulting company focused on educational awareness lectures, is staffed by the very professionals who have had the vast responsibility of deterring and detecting narcotics offenses in the public sector.  Many of their cases involved damaging and sometimes fatal situations of pre-teen or teenage substance abuse.  As a result of their experiences, these specialists have recognized that their approach must also include a strong education initiative involving parents.  This proactive mechanism is in place in order to prevent children from stumbling upon steep, downward spirals of poor decisions and their harmful results.

This dynamic program, delivered by seasoned speakers from Vested Security Solutions, includes training aids and a vivid PowerPoint presentation that will introduce parents to traditional, inhalant, and prescription drug abuse in children who range in age from 10-17 years old.  Our subject matter experts will proffer the relevant studies and statistical analysis from the field, highlighting the pressing need for parental supervision and intervention beginning at the Middle School level.  Additionally, Vested’s compelling lecturers will broach the notion of legal culpability in scenarios where teens and their parents host or facilitate parties that involve the use of alcohol, drugs, and tobacco among juveniles.      

While this seminar will detail so many of today’s harmful drug trends—and provide the audience with alarming facts as well as eye-opening tips—the overwhelming tone of this presentation calls for parents to send the unambiguous message to children that substance abuse will not be tolerated.  In final analysis, this presentation will prove that parents and guardians are, indeed, the best authorities to regulate the choices that our youth will make, and the process by which they make those same choices.    

This awareness lecture is an integral function of Vested Security SolutionsMoreover, Vested Security representatives have been honored to travel to many different school systems and present this intriguing material to parents’ associations from various public, private and religious institutions.  Through education and outreach to the community, Vested Security Solutions, LLC hopes to raise parents’ awareness of alcohol and drug use, as well as the sorted consequences that can befall the teens who participate in substance abuse, and the parents who facilitate access to alcohol or experimentation with drugs. 

Vested Security Solutions, LLC is proud to deliver this awareness lecture and vivid presentation at your venue.  Every seminar, program, and lecture provided by Vested Security can be custom tailored to impact your target audience in a meaningful and specific way.  As such, each program has a different fee structure, which fluctuates due to variables and host-specific configurations.  Nonetheless, Vested Security Solutions keeps professional fees reasonable, without sacrificing the quality or excellence of our service and presentation.  Finally, some funding sources may be available in New Jersey for school systems and government institutions. 

To schedule a session, please e-mail a representative at .