Vested Security Solutions, LLC presents:

Gang Awareness and Resistance

Recently, the State of New Jersey officially recognized the growing gang presence in and across the many townships, boroughs, cities, and counties.  It was a historic realization that gangs--and the afflictions that gang activity can bring to our communities--must be met by a untied front, consisting equally of the State's law enforcement, legislature, judicial system, and—interestingly enough—New Jersey's schools.  Of course, the most significant adoption from this announcement was the latter: a requirement that New Jersey schools provide instruction on gang awareness and resistance; for the first time, it became evident to the public that education about gangs is as important as the interdiction of gangs.

However, Gang Awareness has been a topic that Vested Security was prepared to deliver to school systems well before any mandates from New Jersey.  Yet, the call for programs about gang activity was rare because of the unfair connotation that gangs are an urban issue, centered amid drugs, violence, and an inner city.  This unfortunate stereotype left many suburban and rural communities reluctant to even discuss the topic.  Now more than ever, New Jersey's approach to combating gang activity in the State has sent a new, clear message that gangs do not limit themselves to a particular city, town, culture, or socioeconomic group.  New Jersey’s new approach to combating gang life in the State demands that every town examine and understand gang activity.  

To that end, Vested's Gang Awareness Lectures provide a complete overview of the problems faced by a cross section of New Jersey municipalities, regardless of socio-economic strata.  Using Vested's proven format of dynamic, enthusiastic speakers combined with an interactive, in-depth, and complete PowerPoint presentation that will discuss the varying facets of gang life among today’s pre-teens and teenagers, this program is moderated by our own Subject Matter Experts who have focused their careers on the detection, investigation, and prosecution of gang crimes.

To schedule a session, please e-mail a representative at .